Thursday, January 17, 2008

A love hate relationship

Hate is defined as to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest. The word can explain how people feel toward specific issues in life whether they be people, political, or racial issues or pretty much anything.

I have felt this way about many a few issues or types of people in my life but I have just come to the realization of why. No matter who or what you hate it all has a direct correlation to how much you understand what you hate. It may be a justified hate, but it still has a lack of understanding with in it. By justified hates I mean people who are directly or indirectly hurting you or someone or something you care about. i.e. murderers, rapists, thieves

When bad things happen and you learn to hate someone or something you tend to think "I don't know how or why this would happen". Its the lack of understanding that leads to the emotion of hate. For this reason, whether it be extremely hard or not, who or what you hate is completely under your control.

This theory of mine has lead me to believe that the feeling of love which would be the polar opposite of hate is the result of complete understanding. I find that I love the people who I can understand the most and who can understand me.

Since I am a left brain type of person I like to break everything into some sort of equation. Is the level of understanding coupled with something else (maybe comfort?) equal to the Level of Love/Hate?

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