Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Land That I Love

I hear people complain or rejoice depending on what side of the coin they are on about this whole affirmative action thing we have in America, but quite frankly I don't think its done much of anything. I mean yeah it gives people some minorities jobs but they aren't taking them away from white people. I haven't noticed a surge in minority accountants or VP's or any important positions. What I see is more minorities in the mail room or janitorial services or other crap jobs.

So I don't think this is really giving a "fair" playing field as the government has said was their goal. If anything I think this affirmative action should scare the crap out of illegal immigrants. Now that business owners have to have a certain number of minorities to fill EOE requirements, illegal immigrants will have to get fired because they can't be on the books.

Now these people have to find worse jobs that nobody else wants to do. Some of these other countries must be unimaginably horrible for people to sneak over here, to be unwanted and taunted by most of the nation, work 16 hour days (20 on holidays) making $2.50 an hour to go home to their 1 bedroom apartment in the basement by the boiler room where they have about 10 other family members living.

As I am with any large group that I am a part of, there are things that this country does that I am not proud of, but I'm glad I'm American.

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